Kenneth Mc Arthur

Wholesale Jewellery and Umbrella Supplier
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LinkedIn: Kenneth McArthur
Location: Paisley, Scotland, United Kingdom
Current employer:
Saphira Wholesale
Current title:
Buyer of Ladies fashion Jewellery and Umbrellas
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:30 AM
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Kenneth Mc Arthur is from Paisley, Scotland, United Kingdom. Kenneth works in the following industries: "Wholesale". Kenneth is currently Buyer of Ladies fashion Jewellery and Umbrellas at Saphira Wholesale, located in Greenock. In Kenneth's previous role as a Brand source manager at Lowcourt, Kenneth worked in until May 2006.

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Kenneth Mc Arthur's current jobs
Company: Saphira Wholesale
Title: Buyer of Ladies fashion Jewellery and Umbrellas
Period: Jul 2005 - Present (19 years)
Location: Greenock

We specialise in providing ladies fashion goods throughout the UK including Jewellery, handbags and umbrellas . We are able to provide a route to market through trade shows and a network of UK based representatives.

Kenneth Mc Arthur's past jobs
Company: Lowcourt
Title: Brand source manager
Period: Jan 2002 - May 2006 (4 years, 4 months)

A highly flexible role sourcing high quality fashion and accessory products for the UK market. Although Ken deals mainly with European suppliers he also has excellent links with the Far East when volume production may be required.

Kenneth Mc Arthur's education
Greenock Academy
Kenneth Mc Arthur's top skills
Apparel Retail Visual Merchandising Handbags Sales Management Wholesale Jewelry Trade Shows Fashion
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