Kevin Pender

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Qatar
Current employer: ALI BIN ALI
Current title:
General Manager - Galeries Lafayette Doha & Fashion Division at Ali Bin Ali
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:15 AM
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Kevin Pender is from Qatar. Kevin is currently General Manager - Galeries Lafayette Doha & Fashion Division at Ali Bin Ali at ALI BIN ALI, located in Doha Port, Doha, Qatar. Kevin also works as Acting General Manager / Galeries Lafayette Doha & Fashion Division at ALI BIN ALI Group, a job Kevin has held since Jan 2020. In Kevin's previous role as a Head of Creative at Arnotts, Kevin worked in until Jan 2010. Prior to joining Arnotts, Kevin was a Display Designer at Arnotts and held the position of Display Designer.

You can find Kevin Pender's email address at FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Kevin Pender's current jobs
Company: ALI BIN ALI
Title: General Manager - Galeries Lafayette Doha & Fashion Division at Ali Bin Ali
Period: Oct 2020 - Present (4 years, 4 months)
Location: Doha Port, Doha, Qatar
Title: Acting General Manager / Galeries Lafayette Doha & Fashion Division
Period: Jan 2020 - Present (5 years, 1 month)
Location: Doha Port, Doha, Qatar
Kevin Pender's past jobs
Company: Arnotts
Title: Head of Creative
Period: Jan 2003 - Jan 2010 (7 years)
Company: Arnotts
Title: Display Designer
Period: Jan 2000 - Jan 2001 (1 year)
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