Khursheed Nadeem Anwer Ph D MBA

Executive Vice President & Chief Science Officer at Celsion Corporation
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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Huntsville, Alabama, United States
Current employer: Celsion Corporation
Current title:
Executive Vice President & Chief Science Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:15 AM
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Khursheed Nadeem Anwer Ph D MBA is from Huntsville, Alabama, United States. Khursheed Nadeem works in the following industries: "Biotechnology Research". Khursheed Nadeem is currently Executive Vice President & Chief Science Officer at Celsion Corporation, located in Huntsville, Alabama, United States. In Khursheed Nadeem's previous role as a President and CSO at EGEN, Khursheed Nadeem worked in EGEN, Inc. until Jun 2014. Prior to joining EGEN, Khursheed Nadeem was a Vice President R&D and CSO at EGEN, Inc. and held the position of Vice President R&D and CSO at Huntsville, Alabama Area. Prior to that, Khursheed Nadeem was a Director at Valentis/Gene Medicine, based in Houston, Texas from Oct 1993 to Jun 2002.

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Khursheed Nadeem Anwer Ph D MBA's current jobs
Title: Executive Vice President & Chief Science Officer
Period: Jul 2014 - Present (10 years, 6 months)
Location: Huntsville, Alabama, United States

Entrepreneurial executive with a track record of scientific and business leadership in all drug R&D functions including preclinical discovery, clinical development, manufacturing, QA & QC, regulatory strategy and implementation, business development, private placement, non-dilutive funding, responsible fiscal management, and successful merger and acquisition in biotech environment.

Khursheed Nadeem Anwer Ph D MBA's past jobs
Company: EGEN
Title: President and CSO
Period: Jun 2009 - Jun 2014 (5 years)
Location: EGEN, Inc.
Company: EGEN, Inc.
Title: Vice President R&D and CSO
Period: Jul 2002 - Jun 2009 (6 years, 11 months)
Location: Huntsville, Alabama Area
Company: Valentis/Gene Medicine
Title: Director
Period: Oct 1993 - Jun 2002 (8 years, 8 months)
Location: Houston, Texas
Khursheed Nadeem Anwer Ph D MBA's education
The University of Alabama
Master of Business Administration - MBA
2010 - 2012
Ohio University
1983 - 1987
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