Kimberley O Brien

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Email: ****n@alediumhr.com
Location: Greater Tampa Bay Area
Current employer: Aledium Group
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:40 AM
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Kimberley O Brien is from Greater Tampa Bay Area. Kimberley is currently CEO at Aledium Group, located in Tampa, Florida, United States.

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Kimberley O Brien's current jobs
Company: Aledium Group
Title: CEO
Period: Sep 2020 - Present (4 years, 4 months)
Location: Tampa, Florida, United States

The Aledium Group, based in Tampa, Fl, with remote offices nationwide, is the holding company for AlediumHR and CallCenterHR, both leaders in their respective industries. Since 2013, AlediumHR has been the leading telehealth recruiting firm globally, specializing in recruiting and staffing Telehealth, Healthcare, Health Tech, and Healthcare Support organizations throughout North America. (Hospitals, Healthcare Providers, Healthcare Industry Companies). www.AlediumHR.com CallCenterHR is an industry-leading talent acquisition firm focused on acquiring and improving call center talent.

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