Kingston Agyare
Kingston Agyare is from Ghana. Kingston is currently Owner at seahorse marine crew services.
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Kingston Agyare's current jobs
We primarily provide Engineering and Deck Officers, but can also provide all ratings. Our emphasis is on the engine side, due to the nature of our manpower pool. The majority of our personnel (95%) are Ghanaian and have either their certification or education from Regional Maritime University in Accra (which is IMO White Listed and EU Accredited, as well as ISO 2008 Certified). The remaining 5% of our personnel will be a mix of Nigerian, Liberian, and Sierra Leonean. All will speak English as their primary language. To give you a basic overview, based on our knowledge of the man power pool we have: 1. 50% of candidates will be licensed officers, 50% will be ratings. Up to this point, we have concentrated on officers over ratings, but there is certainly a large pool of ratings that we can target if we can find a client for them. 2. 60% of all candidates will be engine room, 40% deck. This will not change so much. Note: Our Applicants come from an extremely large range of previous shipping lines. Generally their experience is on oil, lpg, and product carriers as well as bulk, container, and ro-ro. We have set up an office location in Accra to process applicants. We have also set up a web based application program where clients can login to search for candidates based on their needs/parameters, see login in tab (user name and password enabled). Services we provide in addition to the recruitment of individuals themselves are: 1. Full screening of all applicants including education, license, work history, and certifications.