Kriklova Lucie
Kriklova Lucie is from Olomouc Olomoucký Czech Republic. Kriklova is currently Executive Assistant at John Crane. In Kriklova's previous role as a vedoucí oddělení propagace a marketignu - do 09/2017 na mateřské dovolené at statutární město Olomouc, Kriklova worked in until Sep 2017. Prior to joining statutární město Olomouc, Kriklova was a Projektový a event manažer at Vedlejší činnost and held the position of Projektový a event manažer. Prior to that, Kriklova was a Analytik meziútvarové koordinace at Kooperativa from Oct 2005 to Sep 2009. Kriklova started working as Asistentka poradce členky představenstva at Kooperativa in Mar 2003. From Mar 1999 to Sep 2001, Kriklova was Oceňování nemovitostí at Finanční úřad. Prior to that, Kriklova was a Recepční at Lafayette Hotel from Sep 1997 to May 1998.
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