Kris Gilboy

CEO and Co-Founder at Zero Delta Funds / MD at Pine Point CG
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LinkedIn: Kris Gilboy
Location: Greater Chicago Area
Current employer:
Zero Delta Funds
Current title:
CEO and Co-Founder
Last updated: 14/05/2024 08:37 AM
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Kris Gilboy is from Greater Chicago Area. Kris is currently CEO and Co-Founder at Zero Delta Funds.

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Kris Gilboy's current jobs
Company: Zero Delta Funds
Title: CEO and Co-Founder
Period: May 2021 - Present (3 years, 8 months)

Zero Delta is an absolute return derivatives fund focusing on options and non-directional volatility strategies. It is designed to be an absolute return vehicle with little correlation to the broader market using sophisticated relative value volatility strategies capitalizing on niche market inefficiencies. Zero Delta Utilizes a multi-manager / multi strategy limited partner structure and focuses on experienced but capacity constrained portfolio managers with identifiable and repeatable edge. Our managers expect to exhibit convex return profiles and outperform in market volatility, and they are positioned in a variety of traditional and alternative asset classes.

Kris Gilboy's education
1985 - 1989
Northwestern University - Kellogg School of Management
2006 - 2010
Skidmore College
1989 - 1993
Kris Gilboy's top skills
Trading ETFs Electronic Trading Financial Markets Market Making Derivatives Equity Trading Hedge Funds Proprietary Trading Portfolio Management Bloomberg Equities Fixed Income Hedging Options Trading Systems Equity Derivatives Commodity
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