Kris Menon

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Reston, Virginia, United States
Current employer: MULTIVERSE CONSULTING Inc;
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:28 AM
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Kris Menon is from Reston, Virginia, United States. Kris is currently Chief Executive Officer at MULTIVERSE CONSULTING Inc;, located in Waterlooville, England, United Kingdom.

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Kris Menon's current jobs
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jan 2017 - Present (8 years)
Location: Waterlooville, England, United Kingdom

We are a company of accomplished business development and capture consultants, with active top secret clearances. We are engaged in helping federal contractors with our full life cycle business development and capture management expertise, from identification, planning and executing capture campaigns, proposal writing and reviews, to award. We exist to grow and manage our clients business in the Federal IT and Intel and Security areas. We have a proven record of turning around under-performing BD/capture organizations , serving in a advisory capacity to C Level executives and also performing hands-on business development and capture activities for revenue growth. We have assisted several graduated 8(a) and SB's to successfully compete and win full and open bids. I am personally a BD/Capture 'hunter', with over 25 years of of hands-on and management experience with large SI's and small companies, winning numerous medium to mega sized deals in excess of $2 billion. I maintain a large database of leading key decision makers in the system integrator community and the federal government. Teamed with over 50 companies during the last few years Successfully acquired, restructured, and profitably sold two startup businesses and possess good knowledge of the federal M&A market.

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