Krissy Cela

Co-Founder and Lead Trainer at Tone and Sculpt | Co- Founder and CEO at Oner Active
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Email: ****y@oneractive.com
LinkedIn: Krissy Cela
Location: London, England, United Kingdom
Current employer: Oner Active
Current title:
Co-Founder & CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:40 AM
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Krissy Cela is from London, England, United Kingdom. Krissy works in the following industries: "Apparel & Fashion", and "Health, Wellness & Fitness". Krissy is currently Co-Founder & CEO at Oner Active. Krissy also works as Co-Founder and Lead Trainer at Tone and Sculpt, a job Krissy has held since Jan 2019.

If you’re looking for Krissy Cela's email address, you can find it on finalscout.com. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and 200 million company profiles.

Krissy Cela's current jobs
Company: Oner Active
Title: Co-Founder & CEO
Period: Jul 2020 - Present (4 years, 6 months)

Oner Active is a female activewear brand for women across the world. Launching September 2020. Be extraordinary.

Company: Tone and Sculpt
Title: Co-Founder and Lead Trainer
Period: Jan 2019 - Present (6 years)
Location: London, United Kingdom

Tone & Sculpt is a global fitness app for women with a community of over 100k women - and it continues to grow stronger and stronger day by day. Do This For You. Sign up for your 14 day free trial here: https://toneandsculpt.app/

Other people named Krissy Cela
Krissy Cela
London, England, United Kingdom
There are 1 other "Krissy Cela". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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