Kristian Constantinides

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Email: ****s@airflite.com.au
Location: Greater Perth Area
Current employer:
1C Energy
Current title:
Non Executive Director; Co-Founder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:50 AM
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Kristian Constantinides is from Greater Perth Area. Kristian is currently Non Executive Director; Co-Founder at 1C Energy.

Kristian Constantinides can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Kristian Constantinides's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Kristian Constantinides's current jobs
Company: 1C Energy
Title: Non Executive Director; Co-Founder
Period: May 2019 - Present (5 years, 8 months)

1C Energy delivers strategic advice on gas and power supply options sourcing, developing pipelines, contracting strategies - for corporates in Australia, Malaysia and Indonesia. This includes: - Delivery and distribution of LNG from supply source to power plant. Either through local LNG sources from resident country or importing through niche producers. - Direct project management of design, engineering, procurement or construction of gas power plants. Facilitating open or closed cycle plants with cogeneration capacity. - Undertaking BOO projects when required via capital investment of either LNG infrastructure or power generation units. www.1CEnergy.com

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