Kristin Wuhrman

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Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
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EVP of Veterinary Strategy & Operations
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:45 AM
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Kristin Wuhrman is from Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States. Kristin is currently EVP of Veterinary Strategy & Operations at Basepaws, located in Torrance, California, United States.

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Kristin Wuhrman's current jobs
Company: Basepaws
Title: EVP of Veterinary Strategy & Operations
Period: Sep 2018 - Present (6 years, 4 months)
Location: Torrance, California, United States

I am responsible for our veterinary strategy and operations. This includes the launch of our vet products. I'm also responsible for building strategic partnerships, alliances, forging research collaborations, overseeing new project development & execution across cross-functional teams. I also lead the development and execution of our strategy for partnering and collaborating with the veterinary industry to establish Basepaws commitment to veterinarians and the future of veterinary medicine. This includes being a liaison and advocate to key industry influencers, VMAs, and trade associations, as well as act as a subject matter expert for Basepaws. Basepaws is a petcare genetics company that builds early detection health risk tests based on genetic and microbiome data. Basepaws is committed to companion animal health research, and it has the world’s first at-home genetic testing platform for cats. As a pioneer in petcare genetics, Basepaws offers easy to use, genetic screening tools for the early detection of disease risk in pets, as well as individualized breed and health reports that can identify traits, biomarkers and potential hereditary conditions for pets. Basepaws helps pet owners and veterinarians understand an individual pet’s risk for disease and can lead to more meaningful engagements and increased likelihood of early detection and treatment of disease.

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