Kumud Saini

Procurement Excellence Manager at Motherson Group
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Email: ****i@motherson.com
LinkedIn: Kumud Saini
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Current employer: Motherson Group
Current title:
Procurement Excellence Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:22 AM
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Kumud Saini is from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Kumud works in the following industries: "Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing". Kumud is currently Procurement Excellence Manager at Motherson Group, located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. In Kumud's previous role as a Strategic Global Buyer - Group Procurement at Motherson Group, Kumud worked in Dubai, United Arab Emirates until Jun 2020. Prior to joining Motherson Group, Kumud was a Strategic Buyer - Group Procurement at Motherson Group and held the position of Strategic Buyer - Group Procurement at Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

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Kumud Saini's current jobs
Company: Motherson Group
Title: Procurement Excellence Manager
Period: Jul 2020 - Present (4 years, 5 months)
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Kumud Saini's past jobs
Company: Motherson Group
Title: Strategic Global Buyer - Group Procurement
Period: Mar 2018 - Jun 2020 (2 years, 3 months)
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Company: Motherson Group
Title: Strategic Buyer - Group Procurement
Period: Aug 2015 - Feb 2018 (2 years, 6 months)
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Kumud Saini's education
Uttaranchal Institute Of Technology, Dehradun
Bachelor of Technology - BTech
2010 - 2014
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