Kylie Molinaro Gaicd

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Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Current title:
Chair of the Asset Owner Technical Advisory Committee
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Kylie Molinaro Gaicd is from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Kylie Molinaro is currently Chair of the Asset Owner Technical Advisory Committee at Principles for Responsible Investment, located in London Colney, England, United Kingdom. In Kylie Molinaro's previous role as a Portfolio Manager ESG at Cbus Super Fund, Kylie Molinaro worked in until Dec 2018.

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Kylie Molinaro Gaicd's current jobs
Title: Chair of the Asset Owner Technical Advisory Committee
Period: May 2021 - Present (3 years, 8 months)
Location: London Colney, England, United Kingdom

The PRI Asset Owner Technical Advisory Committee (the Committee) is one of the strongest drivers for innovation in the asset owner community at the PRI. It has been in existence since 2015, supporting the PRI Executive (Executive) on programme development, technical guidance and convening of like minded investors. Its pivotal role in empowering asset owners is anchored in the PRI’s 10-year Blueprint. The focus of the Committee is providing tailored resources to further the adoption of ESG amongst asset owners, in their position at the top of the investment chain

Kylie Molinaro Gaicd's past jobs
Company: Cbus Super Fund
Title: Portfolio Manager ESG
Period: Oct 2016 - Dec 2018 (2 years, 2 months)
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