L L Tong

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Location: Austin, Texas Metropolitan Area
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Managing Principal, Interim Strategy & Customer Executive
Last updated: 29/06/2023 20:38 PM
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L L Tong is from Austin, Texas Metropolitan Area. L is currently Managing Principal, Interim Strategy & Customer Executive at Cledor, located in Paris, Île-de-France, France. In L's previous role as a Entrepreneur in Residence + Advisor, Optum Startup Studio at Optum, L worked in until May 2023.

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L L Tong's current jobs
Company: Cledor
Title: Managing Principal, Interim Strategy & Customer Executive
Period: Jan 2019 - Present (6 years)
Location: Paris, Île-de-France, France

Strategic advisor or interim executive to VC-backed startups and Fortune 500 enterprises. Representative experience: ▶ Strategic Advisor, Movers + Shakers (#1 fastest-growing social media agency) for social commerce and immersive experiences for $100B+ retailer on TikTok and Horizon Worlds ▶ Expert Advisor to TPG Growth workplace start-up, InStride, 2023 Fast Company Most Innovative. Voice of the customer. Developed content with creative teams to reach different personas for successful launch ▶ Vice President Global Strategy and Innovation, Digital Learning for Pearson (~$5B, public Fortune 500). Member of executive leadership team reporting to President and CSO. Crafted long-term strategy based on industry and consumer shifts. Drafted C-level and quarterly board communications ▶ VP Product & Marketing, McKinsey alum-led PE healthcare company. Reported to CEO. Identified and implemented marketing and operational priorities to support 80%+ growth. Integrated march stack for seamless experience. Helped launch digital community for CFOs

L L Tong's past jobs
Company: Optum
Title: Entrepreneur in Residence + Advisor, Optum Startup Studio
Period: Nov 2022 - May 2023 (6 months)
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Manager, Vaccine Manufacturing, Component Pertussis, Upstream and Downstream
Paris, Île-de-France, France
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BA II- Treasury
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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