Laurence Semichon

CEO Diptyque
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Location: Greater Paris Metropolitan Region
Current employer: Diptyque Paris
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Last updated: 25/09/2024 17:29 PM
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Laurence Semichon is from Greater Paris Metropolitan Region. Laurence is currently CEO at Diptyque Paris. In Laurence's previous role as a Directeur Parfum at Louis Vuitton, Laurence worked in until Mar 2019. Prior to joining Louis Vuitton, Laurence was a Chef de Groupe Parfums at Parfums Givenchy and held the position of Chef de Groupe Parfums.

You can find Laurence Semichon's email address at FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Laurence Semichon's current jobs
Company: Diptyque Paris
Title: CEO
Period: Jul 2024 - Present (6 months)
Laurence Semichon's past jobs
Company: Louis Vuitton
Title: Directeur Parfum
Period: Apr 2011 - Mar 2019 (7 years, 11 months)
Company: Parfums Givenchy
Title: Chef de Groupe Parfums
Period: Jan 2008 - Jan 2011 (3 years)
Laurence Semichon's Colleagues
Larry Pleasant
Supply Chain Director, Americas
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Gonzague Lefèvre
Global Supply Planning Manager
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Feriel Berkane
IT Infrastructure Manager for DIPTYQUE & BYREDO
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Eduardo Valadez
Director of Marketing
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Julien Gommichon
President Americas
Paris, Île-de-France, France
Laurence Semichon has 426 colleagues in total at diptyque Paris. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Laurence Semichon
Laurence Semichon
Marketing corporate - Group manager
Paris, Île-de-France, France
There are 1 other "Laurence Semichon". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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