Laurie Green

Working with Customers to provide Clean Air Solutions.
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Email: ****n@dafcofiltrationgroup.com
LinkedIn: Laurie Green
Location: Greater Toronto Area Canada
Current employer:
FG IAQ - Canada
Current title:
Territory Account Manager
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:50 PM
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Laurie Green is from Greater Toronto Area Canada. Laurie is currently Territory Account Manager at FG IAQ - Canada. Laurie also works as territory account manager at dafco filtration group, a job Laurie has held since Mar 2005. Another title Laurie currently holds is sales representative at dafco filtration group. In Laurie's previous role as a Area Manager at Filtration Group, Laurie worked in until Mar 2006. Prior to joining Filtration Group, Laurie was a Customer Service Manager at Environmental Filter and held the position of Customer Service Manager. Prior to that, Laurie was a ISO Co-ordinator at Filtration Group from Jan 2001 to Nov 2001. Laurie started working as iso co-ordinator at filtration group in Jan 2001.

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Laurie Green's current jobs
Company: FG IAQ - Canada
Title: Territory Account Manager
Period: Mar 2005 - Present (19 years, 10 months)
Company: dafco filtration group
Title: territory account manager
Period: Mar 2005 - Present (19 years, 10 months)
Company: dafco filtration group
Title: sales representative
Period: Mar 1996 - Present (28 years, 10 months)
Laurie Green's past jobs
Company: Filtration Group
Title: Area Manager
Period: Sep 2002 - Mar 2006 (3 years, 6 months)
Company: Environmental Filter
Title: Customer Service Manager
Period: Mar 1996 - Dec 2001 (5 years, 9 months)
Company: Filtration Group
Title: ISO Co-ordinator
Period: Jan 2001 - Nov 2001 (10 months)
Company: filtration group
Title: iso co-ordinator
Period: Jan 2001 - Nov 2001 (10 months)
Laurie Green's education
Troy State University
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.),Bachelor of Education
National Air Filtration Association
CAFS - Certified Air Filtration Specialist
Georgetown District High School
High School DIploma
Westwood Collegiate
High School Diploma
Other people named Laurie Green
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Project Manager
Craigavon, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Laurie Green
Accounts Receivable Associate
Columbia, Missouri, United States
Laurie Green
Office Coordinator
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