Laurie Iturrino

Product Engineering Mgr at 3M Purification Inc.
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LinkedIn: Laurie Iturrino
Location: Lebanon, Connecticut, United States
Current employer:
3M Purification Inc.
Current title:
Product Engineering Mgr
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:48 PM
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Laurie Iturrino is from Lebanon, Connecticut, United States. Laurie works in the following industries: "Design", "Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering", and "Human Resources". Laurie is currently Product Engineering Mgr at 3M Purification Inc.. Laurie also works as Engineering Services, Group Leader at 3M Purification, Inc., a job Laurie has held since May 2007. Another title Laurie currently holds is Engineering Services, Group leader at 3M. In Laurie's previous role as a Sr.Designer at Cuno/3M, Laurie worked in until May 2007.

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Laurie Iturrino's current jobs
Company: 3M Purification Inc.
Title: Product Engineering Mgr
Period: Nov 2015 - Present (9 years, 1 month)
Title: Engineering Services, Group Leader
Period: May 2007 - Present (17 years, 7 months)

Manage a team of (5) Drafters/Sr.Drafters

Company: 3M
Title: Engineering Services, Group leader
Period: Jan 1995 - Present (29 years, 11 months)
Laurie Iturrino's past jobs
Company: Cuno/3M
Title: Sr.Designer
Period: May 1994 - May 2007 (13 years)

Designed injection molded plastic parts for the filtration industry.

Laurie Iturrino's education
Grasso Tech
1985 - 1989
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