Lawrence Bradley Sr

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Location: Savannah, Georgia, United States
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Bradley &Associates
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:38 AM
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Lawrence Bradley Sr is from Savannah, Georgia, United States. Lawrence Bradley is currently Owner-President at Bradley &Associates. Lawrence Bradley also works as Owner-President at United Marketing,LLC-Ins.&Fin. Services, a job Lawrence Bradley has held since Nov 2002. Another title Lawrence Bradley currently holds is Owner at UnitedMarketing, LLC.

You can find Lawrence Bradley Sr's email at FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Lawrence Bradley Sr's current jobs
Company: Bradley &Associates
Title: Owner-President
Period: Mar 2015 - Present (9 years, 10 months)

Bradley& Associates is a subsidiary of United Marketing,LLC Insurance Brokerage firm marketing Life and Health Benefits products for all ages. Let us shop for affordable rates for you!!.We are currently seeking ambitious self-motivated independent insurance agents in the Atlanta area to join our Family of agents in the Atlanta market. Call us at 404-504-7013 or 404-596-3642 for additional details. "DARE THE UNUSUAL" Lawrence K. Bradley Sr.-President

Company: United Marketing,LLC-Ins.&Fin. Services
Title: Owner-President
Period: Nov 2002 - Present (22 years, 2 months)

United Marketing, LLC is a group of independent insurance brokers marketing life, health, and annuity insurance products, As independent brokers we represent several prominent carriers which allows us to shop around for the best rates and maximum coverage options. The Senior Market for medicare and final expense plans are our primary focus but we offer all lines of coverage. Let us shop for affordable rates for you!!

Company: UnitedMarketing, LLC
Title: Owner
Period: Dec 2001 - Present (23 years, 1 month)

I am a recruiter, trainer and broker specializing in the medicare healthcare plans and final expense insurance with a strong passion to educate and inform the senior market of their options.

Other people named Lawrence Bradley Sr
Lawrence Bradley Sr.
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