Linda LION S Fitzgerald

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Connersville, Indiana, United States
Current employer: Neighborhood Boutiques
Current title:
CEO and Visionary Partner
Last updated: 25/07/2023 11:51 AM
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Linda LION S Fitzgerald is from Connersville, Indiana, United States. Linda is currently CEO and Visionary Partner at Neighborhood Boutiques, located in Connersville, Indiana, United States.

You can find Linda LION S Fitzgerald's email address at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Linda LION S Fitzgerald's current jobs
Title: CEO and Visionary Partner
Period: Aug 2012 - Present (12 years, 5 months)
Location: Connersville, Indiana, United States

Neighborhood Boutiques is at the heart of the vision and mission of Affiliated Women International. Based on the belief that building community among like minded women in the marketplace benefits every member; Neighborhood Boutiques seeks to do just that. It is an online community for women small business owners and/or majority or equal partners in a small business. But it's more than just a community - it's best described by Kerry Hales in the following quote: "At NEIGHBORHOOD BOUTIQUES, you can hang out, create a space for your existing business or build a new business, create great business connections and gain qualified referrals, compliments and references, enhance your business and that of others. Give as much as you can and take away all you can from other women in the community as well as those who visit the boutiques on a daily basis. Neighborhood Boutiques is about sharing who you are and what you do with other women to support each other’s growth in the world as women business owners." Neighborhood Boutiques is designed to house 7,500 women's business micro-sites, each including a blog and store. Great inexpensive additional marketing tool for women who have a main site; but especially valuable for women who have not invested in a large main website - and there are many of them around the world who have not. Wrapped into the heart of the vision and mission of Neighborhood Boutiques is the upcoming BOUTIQUES UNIVERSITY, a community resource center as well as the company "water cooler" around which all members gather to learn, grow and prosper.

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