Lisa Ann Landry MSM

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Atlanta Metropolitan Area
Current employer:
US Health Advisors
Current title:
USHEALTH Advisor Senior Agent
Last updated: 20/12/2023 17:52 PM
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Lisa Ann Landry MSM is from Atlanta Metropolitan Area. Lisa Ann is currently USHEALTH Advisor Senior Agent at US Health Advisors, located in Arlington, Texas, United States.

Lisa Ann Landry MSM can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Lisa Ann Landry MSM's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Lisa Ann Landry MSM's current jobs
Company: US Health Advisors
Title: USHEALTH Advisor Senior Agent
Period: Oct 2017 - Present (7 years, 3 months)
Location: Arlington, Texas, United States

Lisa Ann Landry is a licensed US Health Insurance Advisors who is focused on Helping Other People Everyday, find flexible and affordable health coverage. She has been an international health, wellness and resiliency trainer for over 25 years. So it is a natural transition to advise individuals, families, self-employed and small businesses on the best health care options available. Her skills as a master trainer shine through in her consultations with clients on their health care choices. As a licensed agent she can: ✪ Talk with you about your options ✪ Help you find affordable benefits ✪ Customize coverage to fit your needs and budget. ☎Call or text for a free consultation. 602-793-9071| http://www.ushagent.com/lisalandry

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