Lisa Engle

Author: Your Guide to Creating the Ultimate Chiropractic Experience Owner of OptiMOM Coaching and Chiropractic Experiences Co-Owner Atlanta Natural Health Clinic
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LinkedIn: Lisa Engle
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Current employer:
OptiMOM Coaching
Current title:
Owner / Wellness Coach
Last updated: 31/05/2023 17:08 PM
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Lisa Engle is from Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Lisa is currently Owner / Wellness Coach at OptiMOM Coaching. Lisa also works as owner / author at Creating Chiropractic Experiences, a job Lisa has held since Jul 1997.

You can find Lisa Engle's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Lisa Engle's current jobs
Company: OptiMOM Coaching
Title: Owner / Wellness Coach
Period: Mar 2013 - Present (11 years, 10 months)

Optimal + Mom = OptiMOM OptiMOM Coaching holds a vision of a well world, recognizing that to have well children, we need well parents. It is my heart to hear your unique desires and definition of what "well" looks like for you and your family. I will witness you clearly painting the picture of your ideal WELL living. With respect, an empathetic ear, reflective inquiry, non-judgement, and healthy conversation, you can build a powerful and attainable vision that compels you toward the changes you determine valuable to you and your family. I will lovingly support you and facilitate your processes as you discover how to navigate the path to your unique expression of WELL being. Time recognizing and building your strengths will root powerful moments into lasting changes tied to your values. As challenges and obstacles present, we'll work through them, learning tools and choices that can change your experiences in those moments to be useful; re-framed so that your experience in them can be used to still steer toward increased WELLness and your optimal life. At the core of OptiMOM Coaching, we hold a vision of a well world. To raise well children, we need well parents. We're here to help. Maybe you share our vision and will see it to fruition?

Company: Creating Chiropractic Experiences
Title: owner / author
Period: Jul 1997 - Present (27 years, 6 months)

Available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Guide-Creating-Ultimate-Chiropractic-Experience-ebook It is my intent to support and empower the doctors, staff and patients in the chiropractic profession. By evaluating the experiences we create for our patients, and ourselves we achieve a more powerful chiropractic expression, allowing the fuller potential to be revealed to us all. As a teacher, trainer, consultant and always the student, I'm now adding author that will serve as a template for chiropractic offices to create the experiences with intention and attention. You may follow the book updates at www.chiropracticexperiences.com

Lisa Engle's top skills
Wellness Leadership Wellbeing Small Business Fundraising Nutritional Counseling Public Speaking Teaching Chiropractic Healing Healthcare Lifestyle Coaching Life Coaching Coaching Yoga Psychotherapy Wellness Coaching Stress Management Nutrition Lifestyle
Lisa Engle's Colleagues
Philip Hurd
Alnemy Zager
Chiropractic Assistant, Front Office
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Lisa Engle has 2 colleagues in total at Atlanta Natural Health Clinic. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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