Lisette Westerhuis

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Email: ****e@fullfifty.com
Location: Tanzania
Current employer:
Fullfifty - Consulting Globally
Current title:
Managing Consultant and Founder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:19 AM
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Lisette Westerhuis is from Tanzania. Lisette is currently Managing Consultant and Founder at Fullfifty - Consulting Globally.

You can find Lisette Westerhuis's email address at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Lisette Westerhuis's current jobs
Company: Fullfifty - Consulting Globally
Title: Managing Consultant and Founder
Period: Apr 2014 - Present (10 years, 9 months)

Business consultancy that provides skills training to teams and professionals, advises businesses on ensuring profitability and facilitates win-win collaborations between social organizations and private companies through development of pioneering concepts focused on creating social impact as well as value for business. Experience working on projects in Africa and Asia, including: Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Zambia, Rwanda, Nigeria, Cambodia, Philippines, Bangladesh. Contracted in projects implemented and supported by clients such as Challenge Fund for Youth Employment, Plan International, Shell, VSO international, Pact International, European Union, USAID, Equinor, UKAid, Norad, German Cooperation, GIZ, International Youth Foundation, World Fair Trade Organization, British Council, DOB equity & impact investing, Alliance Francaise, Irish Aid, Mastercard Foundation, among others. www.fullfifty.com | lisette@fullfifty.com

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