Liz Sampson

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Location: Los Angeles Metropolitan Area
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EJSFinancial Services
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:38 AM
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Liz Sampson is from Los Angeles Metropolitan Area. Liz is currently President at EJSFinancial Services.

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Liz Sampson's current jobs
Company: EJSFinancial Services
Title: President
Period: Jan 1997 - Present (28 years)

I establish and direct the daily operations of a small professional services firm, managing a top-performing team of 7 professionals to deliver business strategy and financial planning services to private corporate clients from our Beverly Hills location. Spearheading Mergers & Acquisitions and Succession Planning , I collaborate with client leadership and client CPAs and attorneys to conduct needs assessments, create innovative resource allocation and optimization solutions, and facilitate change management processes. Identifying and cultivating relationships with potential clients, I successfully develop new business opportunities, expand my market share, and increase profits. `Added an average of 200 new clients per year and advised thousands of clients over the years, frequently managing 10 or more projects simultaneously. `Devised in-house human resources strategies, hiring top talent and implementing performance-based compensation, comprehensive benefits, and ongoing training to achieve low turnover. `Increased benefits and reduced costs by creating and restructuring compensation and benefit plans for clients specializing in health systems, retirement planning, and compensation design. `Boosted the bottom line and improed cash flow dramatically for a client company with 200 employees by enabling self-funding of benefits backed by high limit insurance. `Enhanced employee satisfaction by introducing voluntary employee benefits at no additional cost to employers while also reducing the clients' future liability payouts. `Introduced new investments with downside protection against loss, resulting in employees tripling their retirement incomes.

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New York, New York, United States
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Environmental Geologist
New York, New York, United States
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Business Management Student
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