Liza Elena Pitsirilos

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Email: ****a@mightypeacecoffee.com
Location: Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Current employer:
Mighty Peace Coffee
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:19 AM
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Liza Elena Pitsirilos is from Madison, Wisconsin, United States. Liza Elena is currently Chief Executive Officer at Mighty Peace Coffee, located in Madison, Wisconsin, United States.

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Liza Elena Pitsirilos's current jobs
Company: Mighty Peace Coffee
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Dec 2017 - Present (7 years)
Location: Madison, Wisconsin, United States

Mighty Peace Coffee, a pioneer in ‘Seed-toTable’ direct trade speciality beans, is an impact company that works directly with coffee cooperatives in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), bringing beans to our roaster in Black Earth, Wisconsin. All women exec team, Congolese ownership, fully integrated speciality coffee company.  Mighty Peace Coffee was founded on the principles of love, health, and service. A company which prioritizes the love of humanity, the health of the planet, and service to communities and the next generation, is committed to transforming the industry and world. Congolese coffee cooperatives are growing the roots of peace where conflict has raged for decades. Purchasing Mighty Peace Coffee directly supports local economic activity, replacing conflict and corruption with mighty peace and love. Our ethical standards extend from sustainable coffee growth to caring for our lands and growers’ futures. From Seed-to-Table, Mighty Peace Coffee delivers the best quality single origin beans from the heart of the Congolese peace movement.

Liza Elena Pitsirilos's Colleagues
Jim N. Ngokwey
Managing Partner
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Seba Kaplan
Director of Marketing
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
JD Stier
Managing Partner
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Kris Carlson
Green Coffee Sales - Regional Rep & Sample Roaster
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Blair Smith
Green Coffee Sales
Madison, Wisconsin, United States
Liza Elena Pitsirilos has 10 colleagues in total at Mighty Peace Coffee. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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