Loreen Mac Donald

Operations Manager at C.B. Distributors, Inc.
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Email: ****n@cbdistributorsinc.com
LinkedIn: Loreen MacDonald
Location: Beloit, Wisconsin, United States
Current employer: CB Distributors, Inc.
Current title:
Operations Manager
Last updated: 09/11/2023 09:41 AM
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Loreen Mac Donald is from Beloit, Wisconsin, United States. Loreen works in the following industries: "Wholesale". Loreen is currently Operations Manager at CB Distributors, Inc., located in Beloit, WI. In Loreen's previous role as a Office Manager at CB Distributors, Inc., Loreen worked in Beloit, WI until Jul 2002.

You can find Loreen Mac Donald's email address at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Loreen Mac Donald's current jobs
Title: Operations Manager
Period: Jul 2002 - Present (22 years, 6 months)
Location: Beloit, WI

Responsible for all departments within the company: Warehouse, Sales and Accounting. Created proper document flow and procedures to ensure efficiencies. Constantly changing and upgrading procedures as the company grows and expands. Also responsible for all Human Resource functions of the company. Maintaining employee records, interviewing, hiring and terminating staff. Lead buyer for the product line - 21st Century Smoke. Responsible for detailed spreadsheet analysis of the sales and purchases of these items, forecasting months in advance what Purchase Orders need to be placed. Researched procedures for importing this product, and trained employees to complete this task. Also assists the President in new product development.

Loreen Mac Donald's past jobs
Title: Office Manager
Period: Jul 2000 - Jul 2002 (2 years)
Location: Beloit, WI

Full charge bookkeeper. Responsible for A/R, A/P, Payroll, G/L, monthly journal entries and financial statements. Designed operational procedures for purchasing, receiving, and accounting that are still utilized today. Maintained average costing for over 800 inventory items.

Loreen Mac Donald's education
Highland Community College
Associate's degree
Loreen Mac Donald's top skills
Accounts Receivable Forecasting Accounts Payable Team Building Income Statement Microsoft Excel Inventory Control Microsoft Office Operations Management Negotiation Sales Management Customer Service Warehousing Budgets Account Management Logistics Customer Satisfaction Purchasing Accounting Strategic Planning
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