Loren Lacerna

Quality Control and Supply Chain Practitioner
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Email: ****0@yahoo.com
LinkedIn: Loren Lacerna
Location: Calabarzon, Philippines
Current employer:
Wyeth Philippines Inc.
Current title:
Supply Chain Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:29 AM
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Loren Lacerna is from Calabarzon, Philippines. Loren works in the following industries: "Food Production". Loren is currently Supply Chain Manager at Wyeth Philippines Inc.. In Loren's previous role as a Supply Chain and Quality Control Practitioner at WYETH PHILIPPINES INCORPORATED, Loren worked in until Jan 2018. Prior to joining WYETH PHILIPPINES INCORPORATED, Loren was a Warehouse and Distribution Manager at Wyeth Philippines Inc. and held the position of Warehouse and Distribution Manager. Prior to that, Loren was a Production Planning and Inventory Control at Wyeth Philippines Inc. from Aug 2012 to Dec 2014. Loren started working as QA Manager at Wyeth Phils. Inc. in Jan 2010. From Sep 2009 to Jan 2010, Loren was Audit and Compliance Manager at Wyeth Philippines Inc, based in .. Prior to that, Loren was a Plant Hygienist at Wyeth Philippines. Inc. from Dec 2006 to Sep 2009.

You can find Loren Lacerna's email address at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Loren Lacerna's current jobs
Company: Wyeth Philippines Inc.
Title: Supply Chain Manager
Period: Jul 2015 - Present (9 years, 8 months)

• Ensures Planning and Warehouse Teams work together to deliver products to customers at the right time and with correct quantity. • Provides consistent supply of materials to production and quality products to distribution centers, while maintaining agreed inventory levels. • Maintains good relationship with all stake holders in the factory, truckers and Distributors to attain high CSL and other factory performance KPIs. • Collaborates closely with the Demand and Supply Planning Team for more accurate response to Forecast, same with the Sales Team for timely delivery of products. • Leads monthly conduct of Inventory Review Board ( material and product freshness and inventory levels, on-hold, near expiring and critical stock level). • Ensures critical human resource are equipped/tooled to perform assigned tasked.

Loren Lacerna's past jobs
Title: Supply Chain and Quality Control Practitioner
Period: Jan 2006 - Jan 2018 (12 years)

I have a 27 years solid manufacturing experience spent mostly with Quality and Supply Chain Departments, and short exposure with Sanitation and Production Areas, thereby enabling me to understand the complete manufacturing operation. Being employed in multinational companies for a long time and working with multi cultural and diverse team composition, I felt I am ready to join another Manufacturing Company for the following positions, Supply Chain Manager, Quality Manager or Factory Manager.

Company: Wyeth Philippines Inc.
Title: Warehouse and Distribution Manager
Period: Dec 2014 - Jul 2015 (7 months)

• Facilitates receipt and safe keeping of all materials in prescribed storage location. • Ensures availability of materials in production area at all times • Coordinates with Planning Team to align Material and Finished Goods volume versus available warehouse space. • Maintains good relationship with truckers and Sales team for the timely dispatch of finished goods to Customers/ distributors. • Aligns with the quality team in their campaign and cascade to Distributors the Good Warehousing Practices. • Ensures high level of Material and Finished Goods inventory. • Monitors that all deliveries and returns are well accounted. • Conducts regular review of KPIs, and ensures red results are provided with sound action plans.

Company: Wyeth Philippines Inc.
Title: Production Planning and Inventory Control
Period: Aug 2012 - Dec 2014 (2 years, 4 months)

• Ensures continuous flow of materials to support 24hr production operation. • Translates forecast of Demand and Supply Planning (DSP) team to production plan to support high Customer Service Level • Generates realistic production plan according to agreed standards to achieve high Manufacturing Schedule Attainment measure. • Aligns with DSP, Finance and Management team for the agreed level of inventory of Finished Goods and all materials • Ensures good relationship with suppliers for the timely delivery of materials at with correct quantity, and Warehouse team if ordered materials can be accommodated by available storage space.

Company: Wyeth Phils. Inc.
Title: QA Manager
Period: Jan 2010 - Aug 2012 (2 years, 7 months)

• Provides disposition to all powdered milk products and raw materials. • Handles product complaint investigations. • Initiates and monitors product and process deviation investigations to completion. • Core member of Food Safety and Audit/Compliance Team • Ensures all documentation related to product and material releases are complete prior disposition

Company: Wyeth Philippines Inc
Title: Audit and Compliance Manager
Period: Sep 2009 - Jan 2010 (4 months)
Location: .
Company: Wyeth Philippines. Inc.
Title: Plant Hygienist
Period: Dec 2006 - Sep 2009 (2 years, 9 months)
Loren Lacerna's education
University of the Philippines
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