Louis Heuze
Louis Heuze is from Brittany, France. Louis is currently President at IESIS - Inspection Environment Security and Industral Safety.
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Louis Heuze's current jobs
TOTAL’s CEO decided in 2009 to set up an HSE Inspection Task Force. The main assignment of the Task Force was to understand why situations with a high-risk potential were still arising and why there still were significant discrepancies between requirements and actual practices. I was one of the leaders of this Task Force which was also in charge of the control loop of the recommendations issued by this HSE Inspection Task Force towards the numerous industrial sites of TOTAL disseminated around the world, and I was authorized by TOTAL to use the same method for providing other companies with the same type of expertise through retired, but still very active and experienced people coming from various industrial origins. I also had the duty to train through specific seminars middle and top managers of TOTAL, all branches included (E&P, Refining, Petrochemicals, Specialties, Marketing and Services, New Energies), and raise their awareness of an increasing Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Sustainable Development preeminent importance. I presently deliver Business Development, Operations Management and HSE awareness training to Universities (Abu Dhabi, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Poland, Congo, Brazil, Algeria…) and Governmental Bodies (Tajikistan, Abu Dhabi Petroleum Institute, Congo…) under Total Professeurs Associés hat (www.totalprof.com), which is an Association linked to TOTAL and which regroups several hundreds of experts, either retired or still active in TOTAL Group. Their field of experience encompasses all aspects of Oil, Gas and related activities business. Besides this activity, I have started another activity in Singapore in May 2014, to support several contractors of various TOTAL subsidiaries for implementing or improving their Safety Management System