Luca Costeniero

Supply Chain Sourcing Manager - Primary Distribution and Ocean Freight at Whirlpool Emea S.p.a.
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LinkedIn: Luca Costeniero
Location: Varese, Lombardy, Italy
Current employer:
Whirlpool Emea S.p.a.
Current title:
Supply Chain Sourcing Manager - Primary Distribution and Ocean Freight
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:24 AM
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Luca Costeniero is from Varese, Lombardy, Italy. Luca works in the following industries: "Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing". Luca is currently Supply Chain Sourcing Manager - Primary Distribution and Ocean Freight at Whirlpool Emea S.p.a., located in Varese Area, Italy. Luca also works as G.I.S. Procurement Sourcing Leader at Whirlpool Emea S.p.a., a job Luca has held since Mar 2016. Another title Luca currently holds is EMEA Transport Sourcing & Logistic Project Coordinator at Whirlpool Europe S.r.l. socio unico & Indesit. In Luca's previous role as a Logistic Senior Buyer at Whirlpool Europe s.r.l.., Luca worked in Cassinetta (VA) until Jun 2011. Prior to joining Whirlpool Europe s.r.l.., Luca was a New Product Readness Manager at Whirlpool Europe S.r.l. and held the position of New Product Readness Manager at Cassinetta (VA). Prior to that, Luca was a Buyer at Whirlpool Europe s.r.l., based in Cassinetta (VA) and Trento (TN) from Oct 1998 to Oct 2001. Luca started working as Quality Engeneer at Whirlpool Europe S.r.l. in Cassinetta (VA) I in Feb 1998.

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Luca Costeniero's current jobs
Company: Whirlpool Emea S.p.a.
Title: Supply Chain Sourcing Manager - Primary Distribution and Ocean Freight
Period: Jul 2018 - Present (6 years, 6 months)
Location: Varese Area, Italy

Road, Rail and Ocean transport sourcing (130 M€) for EMEA Region. Inbound and Outbound (Finished product) flows. Procurement activities, Profit Plan and Cost reduction. Direct report : 2 FTEs

Company: Whirlpool Emea S.p.a.
Title: G.I.S. Procurement Sourcing Leader
Period: Mar 2016 - Present (8 years, 10 months)
Location: Comerio HQ

I.T. services & Licenses: Digital, web sites, mobile apps, order mngt, C.R.M. sell platform, data conservation, travel, expenses. Application Maintenance Services.

Title: EMEA Transport Sourcing & Logistic Project Coordinator
Period: Jul 2011 - Present (13 years, 6 months)
Location: Varese Area, Italy

Transport / logistic service sourcing and network optimisation. Logistic / Procurement projects management. KPIs creation and management.

Luca Costeniero's past jobs
Company: Whirlpool Europe s.r.l..
Title: Logistic Senior Buyer
Period: Jan 2005 - Jun 2011 (6 years, 5 months)
Location: Cassinetta (VA)

Road, Rail and Ocean transport management (90M€). Inbound (Component) and Outbound (Finished product) flows. Scouting, negotiation and contracts.

Title: New Product Readness Manager
Period: Nov 2001 - Dec 2004 (3 years, 1 month)
Location: Cassinetta (VA)

Procurement responsible for all refrigeration projects and new product introduction.

Company: Whirlpool Europe s.r.l.
Title: Buyer
Period: Oct 1998 - Oct 2001 (3 years)
Location: Cassinetta (VA) and Trento (TN)

Scouting, negotiation and contract. Electronic and electromechanical components (7,5 M€)

Company: Whirlpool Europe S.r.l.
Title: Quality Engeneer
Period: Feb 1998 - Aug 1998 (6 months)
Location: Cassinetta (VA) I

Quality component monitoring, Vendors auditing, continuous improvement activities and contracts.

Luca Costeniero's education
Politecnico di Milano
1989 - 1997
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