Lucy Cerantola P Eng

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Greater Toronto Area, Canada
Current employer:
LC Performance Fitness
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:41 AM
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Lucy Cerantola P Eng is from Greater Toronto Area, Canada. Lucy is currently Owner at LC Performance Fitness. In Lucy's previous role as a Landing Gear - Repair & Overhaul Engineering | Technical Program Lead at Collins Aerospace (formerly UTC Aerospace Systems), Lucy worked in until Feb 2020.

You can find Lucy Cerantola P Eng's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Lucy Cerantola P Eng's current jobs
Company: LC Performance Fitness
Title: Owner
Period: Jun 2008 - Present (16 years, 7 months)

Developed and presented business / marketing strategy for niche programs. Delivered wellness programs to customers • Implemented business plan - personal training and group fitness training • Developed and delivered youth conditioning programs; sport/goal specific training - ex. team obstacle course preparation, physique building

Lucy Cerantola P Eng's past jobs
Title: Landing Gear - Repair & Overhaul Engineering | Technical Program Lead
Period: May 2013 - Feb 2020 (6 years, 9 months)
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