Lucy Pinyoloya

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Email: ****a@mangofund.org
Location: Gulu, Uganda
Current employer:
Mango Fund
Current title:
Investment Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Lucy Pinyoloya is from Gulu, Uganda. Lucy is currently Investment Manager at Mango Fund, located in Uganda.

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Lucy Pinyoloya's current jobs
Company: Mango Fund
Title: Investment Manager
Period: Jan 2015 - Present (10 years)
Location: Uganda

My 5 years experience working with an Impact Investment Organization gave me a wealth of skills in Conducting analysis and market research to create a viable investment pipeline. I support the team throughout the investment process from deal sourcing and screening, to deal completion and disbursement. Key to note, I support investment due diligence, financial modeling, budgeting, strategy analysis, financial review and valuation for the investments under consideration. Over the years, I have participated in post-investment portfolio monitoring and reporting, using both financial and social impact metrics so as to provide management with business performance intelligence.Finally, I do maintain up-to-date information on the portfolio and provide reports as required by management and its stakeholders.

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