Ludivine Lulu Siret

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Greater Melbourne Area
Current employer: RenaisSENSE Melbourne
Current title:
Founder & Change Agent
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:21 AM
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Ludivine Lulu Siret is from Greater Melbourne Area. Ludivine is currently Founder & Change Agent at RenaisSENSE Melbourne, located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

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Ludivine Lulu Siret's current jobs
Title: Founder & Change Agent
Period: Jan 2021 - Present (4 years)
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

RenaisSense is a boutique advisory focused on fostering effective collaboration to enable the Circular Economy. WHY | While we must transition our entire economy towards circularity, the circular economy will require a huge collaborative effort. BUT we have not learnt to collaborate effectively. In fact, most of us have been raised with competition as our main driver, from our school system to our board games; we learnt to win, or we lose. Effective and creative collaboration requires a different mindset. WHAT | I am on a mission to equip leaders and their teams with collaborative skills, circular mindsets, and tangible tools to empower them to transition effectively towards the CE, ultimately creating a regenerative society. HOW | I am currently piloting a program called 'Collaboration Inside Out' specifically designed to cultivate inwards and outwards collaboration: • Inwards - To enable my clients to embed collaboration into their organisation’s culture in a very practical way, using my expertise in improvisation to make it fun, pragmatic and energising. • Outwards - To connects my clients to other circular organisations in Europe to improve best practice sharing while saving time and energy, leveraging my networks on both continents.

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