Luis E P

CEO at Grupo HOPSA
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Email: ****s@hopsa.com
LinkedIn: Luis E. P.
Location: Panama
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Last updated: 03/03/2024 07:20 AM
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Luis E P is from Panama. Luis works in the following industries: "管理咨询", "建筑施工", "建材", "民航/航空", and "信息技术和服务". Luis is currently CEO at Grupo HOPSA. Luis also works as General Manager at HOPSA, S. A., a job Luis has held since Feb 2012. In Luis's previous role as a Marketing Manager - MCLA at Dell Technologies, Luis worked in until Jan 2012. Prior to joining Dell Technologies, Luis was a International Sales Manager at Copa Airlines and held the position of International Sales Manager. Prior to that, Luis was a Analyst at Charles River Associates from Jan 2000 to Jan 2002.

You can find Luis E P's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Luis E P's current jobs
Company: Grupo HOPSA
Title: CEO
Period: Oct 2017 - Present (7 years, 3 months)
Company: HOPSA, S. A.
Title: General Manager
Period: Feb 2012 - Present (12 years, 11 months)
Location: Panama
Luis E P's past jobs
Title: Marketing Manager - MCLA
Period: Aug 2010 - Jan 2012 (1 year, 5 months)
Company: Copa Airlines
Title: International Sales Manager
Period: Mar 2002 - Jul 2004 (2 years, 4 months)
Company: Charles River Associates
Title: Analyst
Period: Jan 2000 - Jan 2002 (2 years)
Luis E P's education
Texas McCombs School of Business
2004 - 2006
Brown University
1996 - 2000
Other people named Luis E P
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Senior Research Engineer
Cambridge, England, United Kingdom
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Santiago, Santiago Metropolitan Region, Chile
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Automation Specialist
Fort Worth, Texas, United States
Luis E. Cruz P.
Team Lead Medical Communications
Münchenstein, Basel-Country, Switzerland
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