Luke Hancock

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Email: ****e@gmail.com
Location: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Current employer: Chiang Mai Nayu
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:27 AM
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Luke Hancock is from Chiang Mai, Thailand. Luke is currently Founder at Chiang Mai Nayu, located in Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand. Luke also works as Founder at Coaching Self Empowerment, a job Luke has held since Mar 2013.

You can find Luke Hancock's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Luke Hancock's current jobs
Company: Chiang Mai Nayu
Title: Founder
Period: Jun 2019 - Present (5 years, 7 months)
Location: Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand

One of the Primary Aims of the Chiang Mai Nayu Sustainability Group is to launch and maintain a City-wide 'Sustainability Dashboard' for Chiang Mai that provides information and trend data on a selected set of Compass framed issues and indicators, and provides updated progress reports on these indicators for the people of our city. The goals and indicators will be organized into the four Compass Point Directions (Nature, Economy, Society and Wellbeing).

Title: Founder
Period: Mar 2013 - Present (11 years, 10 months)
Location: Saraphi District, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Coaching Self Empowerment is passionate about professional and personal development. With over 20 years each of global corporate business experience, we guide organizations and individuals to clarify what truly matters so they achieve success, happiness and meaning through our business consultancy, personnel development and courses. Health, Education and Sustainability are the foundations that drive our vision for creating positive change in all that we do. Our approach to Holistic Health focuses upon creating lifestyles aimed at preventing problems by optimizing health through the daily choices we make. We employ a wide variety of modalities such as (relationship) counseling, career coaching, nutritional therapy, meditation and more. Coaching Self Empowerment also provides consultancy and coaching to business owners who care about their community and the environment, and wish to learn how to implement more sustainable business models in order to protect the planet while serving their customers and generating income.

Luke Hancock's Colleagues
Susana Hancock
Founding Board Member
Chiang Mai, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Luke Hancock has 1 colleagues in total at Chiang Mai Nayu. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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