Luke Wingfield Digby

Co-Founder & Corporate Development at Orbital
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Email: ****e@getorbital.com
Location: London Area, United Kingdom
Current employer: Orbital
Current title:
Co-Founder & Chief Innovation Officer
Last updated: 15/04/2024 12:12 PM
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Luke Wingfield Digby is from London Area, United Kingdom. Luke Wingfield is currently Co-Founder & Chief Innovation Officer at Orbital, located in Waterloo, England, United Kingdom.

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Luke Wingfield Digby's current jobs
Company: Orbital
Title: Co-Founder & Chief Innovation Officer
Period: Jan 2017 - Present (7 years, 11 months)
Location: Waterloo, England, United Kingdom

Orbital (formerly PayConstruct / Pay Perform) is a UK headquartered, FCA regulated, financial services firm specialising in foreign exchange, cross border payments, and payment processing solutions.

Luke Wingfield Digby's Colleagues
Charlie Tighe
Group CFO
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Chris Mason
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Jason Butcher
Advisory Board Member
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Stephen Hulse
Business Development Director
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Raphael G.
Product Operations Director
Waterloo, England, United Kingdom
Luke Wingfield Digby has 128 colleagues in total at Orbital. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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