Lyndse Faith Costabile

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Email: ****
Location: Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Area
Current employer:
FunD Av Consulting, LLC
Current title:
President and CEO
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:06 AM
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Lyndse Faith Costabile is from Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Area. Lyndse Faith is currently President and CEO at FunD Av Consulting, LLC.

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Lyndse Faith Costabile's current jobs
Company: FunD Av Consulting, LLC
Title: President and CEO
Period: Jan 2018 - Present (7 years)

Transforming our world is the mission, coupled with a love, respect & passion for being philanthropic, serving others, flying and helping the aviation/aerospace sector evolve. My expertise supporting both nonprofit & aviation industries allows me to support clients in need of fundraising solutions and aviation business development, leveraging an extensive network to generate revenue-producing relationships while meeting and exceeding organizational sales, marketing goals. With additional experience in film/production & talent management, FunD Av Consulting also serves public figures requiring an agent to support their personal 'brand,' endorsement opportunites and meaningful causes.

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