Madalina Bouros

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Focşani, Vrancea, Romania
Current employer: AllGrow
Current title:
Co-founder and President
Last updated: 22/02/2024 12:33 PM
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Madalina Bouros is from Focşani, Vrancea, Romania. Madalina is currently Co-founder and President at AllGrow, located in Nistorești, Vrancea, Romania.

You can find Madalina Bouros's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Madalina Bouros's current jobs
Company: AllGrow
Title: Co-founder and President
Period: Mar 2016 - Present (8 years, 10 months)
Location: Nistorești, Vrancea, Romania

AllGrow is a global start-up organization dedicated to generating social impact and fostering systemic change. We focus on designing critical, affordable and creative solutions for individuals, communities and organizations aiming to close the socio-economic gap between developing and developed economies. Change Architects (www.allgrowromania.org) is a strategic program customized depending on cultural and economic conditions to empower youth to be able to identify opportunities in their communities and create relevant solutions. The program uses advanced techniques coupled with Design Thinking methodology to equip youths with the tools, inspiration and courage necessary to address opportunities they care about.

Madalina Bouros's Colleagues
Caleb Amaram, PMP®, CSM®
Co-Founder | Business Strategist
Nistorești, Vrancea, Romania
Iulia Gabriela Alecsandrescu
Project Assistant
Nistorești, Vrancea, Romania
Stelian Stefan
Salesforce Solution Architect
Nistorești, Vrancea, Romania
Andreea Serban
Summer Internship
Nistorești, Vrancea, Romania
Cristina Cobzuc
Nistorești, Vrancea, Romania
Madalina Bouros has 9 colleagues in total at AllGrow. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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