Mahima Bisht

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Current employer:
Bharat Silks
Current title:
Senior Designer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:34 AM
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Mahima Bisht is from Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Mahima is currently Senior Designer at Bharat Silks, located in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. In Mahima's previous role as a Senior Designer at SAPL Industries Private Limited, Mahima worked in until Feb 2021. Prior to joining SAPL Industries Private Limited, Mahima was a Senior Designer at Garden city fashion ptv ltd. and held the position of Senior Designer. Prior to that, Mahima was a fashion designer at celestial fab & knits pvt ltd from Jun 2014 to Sep 2015.

You can find Mahima Bisht's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Mahima Bisht's current jobs
Company: Bharat Silks
Title: Senior Designer
Period: Feb 2021 - Present (3 years, 11 months)
Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

-Clo3d designer -Developing season base collection on Clo 3D -To identify new trends, fabric and techniques. -Collaborating with team members to select seasonal theme. -Creating Sketches and tech pack for product Development. -Handled Men's and women's Wear.

Mahima Bisht's past jobs
Company: SAPL Industries Private Limited
Title: Senior Designer
Period: Aug 2020 - Feb 2021 (6 months)
Company: Garden city fashion ptv ltd.
Title: Senior Designer
Period: Oct 2015 - Mar 2020 (4 years, 5 months)
Company: celestial fab & knits pvt ltd
Title: fashion designer
Period: Jun 2014 - Sep 2015 (1 year, 3 months)
Mahima Bisht's Colleagues
Dinmani Goenka
Devadass K
General Manager Operations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Deepak Mittal
Nagarjuna C
Senior Merchandiser
Srinivasa Rao
Senior Merchandiser
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Mahima Bisht has 93 colleagues in total at Bharat Silks. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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