Makarove Hong

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Email: ****
Location: Taipei–Keelung Metropolitan area
Current employer:
Flyingcrazyer inc
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 11/01/2024 08:35 AM
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Makarove Hong is from Taipei–Keelung Metropolitan area. Makarove is currently Chief Executive Officer at Flyingcrazyer inc, located in Datong District, Taipei City, Taiwan.

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Makarove Hong's current jobs
Company: Flyingcrazyer inc
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Nov 2018 - Present (6 years, 2 months)
Location: Datong District, Taipei City, Taiwan

Pioneered an ed-tech venture focused on leveraging artificial intelligence to address the challenge of low completion rates in online education. 【Key Milestones & Achievements】 - Recognized by HolonIQ as a Top 50 Ed-Tech Startup in Taiwan (2022) and among the Top 150 in Asia (2022). - Represented as one of the participating teams at CES 2021, backed by Taiwan’s NSTC. - Successfully navigated the company from its nascent stage to a profitable exit with its sale in 2022. 【Entrepreneurial Journey Highlights】 - Proficient in startup fundraising, aligning business narratives for impactful presentations. - Hands-on involvement in every phase, from product R&D to pre-scaling activities, showcasing a deep understanding of building a business from ground zero.

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