Maksim Motin

IT Portfolio head | PMO Head | ERP/SAP project Director
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LinkedIn: Maksim Motin
Location: Togliatti, Samara, Russia
Current employer: AVTOVAZ
Current title:
Project Director (AVTOVAZ car plant, Togliatty)
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:58 PM
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Maksim Motin is from Togliatti, Samara, Russia. Maksim works in the following industries: "Motor Vehicle Manufacturing". Maksim is currently Project Director (AVTOVAZ car plant, Togliatty) at AVTOVAZ, located in Togliatty, Russia. In Maksim's previous role as a Head of IS/IT Project Management Office (AVTOVAZ car plant, Togliatti) at Groupe Renault, Maksim worked in Самарская область, Россия until Dec 2019. Prior to joining Groupe Renault, Maksim was a Head Of Project Management Department at Rosneft (SIBINTEK) and held the position of Head Of Project Management Department at Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russian Federation. Prior to that, Maksim was a Head of Siberian Center of Software Development at Evraz Group SA (Evraztechnika), based in Novokuznetsk from Jan 2014 to May 2015. Maksim started working as CIO at RusHydro -> JSC Boguchanskaya Hydro Power Plant in Kodinsk, Krasnoyarskiy kray in Mar 2007. From Jan 2004 to Mar 2007, Maksim was IT specialist at UC RUSAL -> IT-Service, based in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Prior to that, Maksim was a IT Support Specialist, database administrator, 1C implementation specialist at Different companies, based in Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russian Federation from Jul 1998 to Dec 2003.

Maksim Motin's current jobs
Company: AVTOVAZ
Title: Project Director (AVTOVAZ car plant, Togliatty)
Period: Jan 2020 - Present (5 years, 1 month)
Location: Togliatty, Russia

• Set up the governance for big transformation project for business process transformation and SAP ERP implementation (project "Gagarin") for AVTOVAZ car plant (Togliatty) • Investments, accounting, purchasing, materials, controlling, etc.., 20+ SAP-based applications in the biggest Russian car-producing plant, 40K employees. • Managing international project team, 400+ team members, eight geographically distributed international teams • Adapt and implement a methodology for organizational changes (PMBoK + ADKAR, more the 40 business transformations) • 4-year multi-million project • Jan 2021 - successfully launched first lot of a project (500 users, investments + purchasing + asset mgmt + assets accounting + assets controlling)

Maksim Motin's past jobs
Company: Groupe Renault
Title: Head of IS/IT Project Management Office (AVTOVAZ car plant, Togliatti)
Period: Mar 2017 - Dec 2019 (2 years, 9 months)
Location: Самарская область, Россия

• Developed and support the AVTOVAZ IS/IT Strategy for 2017-2023 and MTP for 2017-2026 (mid-term financial plan) • Adapt and implement IS/IT project management methodology based on Renault APMM • Organize regular portfolio reporting (about 140 IS/IT projects). Create and establish DIS Project Management Office. • Organize the hiring of 10 project managers (PMs) and assessment of 70 PMs • Establish RFC (request for changes in information systems) process in DIS. The result – a 40% decrease of an RFC number • Drive “Agile way of working” adaptation for DIS based on Renault AGILE approach • Member of the core team for «DIS Transformation project» (reorganization of functions, roles, and headcount of DIS for next three years) • Up to 20 direct subordinate employees, around 50 functionally subordinates

Title: Head Of Project Management Department
Period: Jun 2015 - Feb 2017 (1 year, 8 months)
Location: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russian Federation

• Project management for key IS/IT projects of the branch (implementation of in-house information systems for oil production, warehouse management, accounting, based on 1C, Oracle, MS SQL) • Adaptation and implementation project management methodology based on PMBoK • Training of internal project managers • Up to 80 direct subordinate employees

Title: Head of Siberian Center of Software Development
Period: Jan 2014 - May 2015 (1 year, 4 months)
Location: Novokuznetsk

• Portfolio management for information systems development and support projects (about 60 projects simultaneously, variety of platforms and tools – SAP, SharePoint, 1C, Oracle, MS SQL, Web frameworks) for metallurgical production • Administrative tasks, HR development, resource conflicts management, negotiation with stakeholders • Up to 80 subordinate employees

Title: CIO
Period: Mar 2007 - Aug 2013 (6 years, 5 months)
Location: Kodinsk, Krasnoyarskiy kray

Leading of information and telecommunication system implementation and rollout for new hydro-power plant in Eastern Siberia. Organization of IT and telecom infrastructure support, new IT service implementing, Portfolio/program management. Basic ITIL processes implementation. 23 direct subordinates, more than 200 projects for 5 years.

Title: IT specialist
Period: Jan 2004 - Mar 2007 (3 years, 2 months)
Location: Krasnoyarsk, Russia

HRM System "BOSS-Kadrovik" on Oracle RDBMS implementation and support, project management, database design for Russian Aluminium plants and supporting organizations (20 organizations, 20K employees)

Company: Different companies
Title: IT Support Specialist, database administrator, 1C implementation specialist
Period: Jul 1998 - Dec 2003 (5 years, 5 months)
Location: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russian Federation

information system support and implementation, database and network administration, user support *** IT, ITIL, ITSM, project management, program management, portfolio management, PMBoK, PMP, Agile, Scrum, CIO, Project Management Office, PMO

Maksim Motin's education
Siberian Aerospace Academy
2 university degrees
1993 - 1999
Moscow Business School
2008 - 2010
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