Malachi Terry

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
Current employer:
iRepair PLUS
Current title:
Company Owner
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:06 AM
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Malachi Terry is from Cincinnati, Ohio, United States. Malachi is currently Company Owner at iRepair PLUS.

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Malachi Terry's current jobs
Company: iRepair PLUS
Title: Company Owner
Period: Jan 2019 - Present (6 years)

Leading a company that not only provides sales and service of mobile phones and computers, but i have aqcuired endorsements from T-Mobile, H2O, Page Plus- You can pay many bills here including Duke Energy, Direct TV, Simple Mobile, H2O, Verizon, T-Mobile- you can get International Calling Cards and Much more. We sell brand new and factory re-certified iPhones, Samsung Galaxies, LG & Motorola phones starting at $29-$1000. We remove troublesome Viruses from computers starting at $75- repair screens starting at $125 for computers- $60 for broken cell phones and even tablets. Iphone, ipad repair and customizations also.

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