Marc Rayala

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Location: Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines
Current employer: Accenture
Current title:
System Developer Senior Analyst
Last updated: 21/05/2023 23:48 PM
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Marc Rayala is from Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines. Marc is currently System Developer Senior Analyst at Accenture, located in Dublin 2, County Dublin, Ireland.

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Marc Rayala's current jobs
Company: Accenture
Title: System Developer Senior Analyst
Period: Aug 2014 - Present (10 years, 6 months)
Location: Dublin 2, County Dublin, Ireland

Account: Business Operations Team (Software Engineering: System Developer Analyst(Automation)) Trainings / Certification received: C# trained Basic (21-25 August 2017)  Green Belt Lean Six Sigma Trained (May 18, 2016)  AFNA (Accounting for Non-Accountant) Certified (2016)  Automation Anywhere trained  SAP and Web scraping automation trainer and other application automation  Trainer for Excel VBA • Application Design • Assist in defining and reviewing requirements and use cases for the application. • Use the business process requirements to drive out application requirements and metrics. • Design the application to meet the business process design and application requirements. • Validate the design with the stakeholders to ensure that the design satisfies the requirements. • Development • Perform the detailed design of application and technical architecture components. • Develop common test data. • Configure, build, and test the application or technical architecture components. • Process Execution and Improvement • Provide input in determining level of effort. • Review and understand work plan. • Meet milestones and related effort/time commitments for assigned deliverables and provide work status, including estimated-time-to-complete (ETC) and actuals. • Project Delivery Interaction • Take part in and/or conduct customer workshops to obtain customization requirements. • Collect customer feedback in software asset installation projects • Role Specific • Develops software using specific detailed designs and specifications. Can troubleshoot and remediate complex issues or errors • Support • Create technical and functional/end-user operational documentation for the software or system. • Provide application/technical support as needed. • Provide primary support toward installation of application releases into production as directed.

Marc Rayala's Colleagues
John Andrews
Business & Technology Innovation and Transformation
Dublin 2, County Dublin, Ireland
Sue Tripathi, Ph.D.
Managing Director- Global GTM Lead-Data, Analytics, AI, Cloud, Technology and Growth
Dublin 2, County Dublin, Ireland
Selvan Rajan
CTO/Mobile Architect/Engineer
Dublin 2, County Dublin, Ireland
Lisa Collins
Director, Experience Platforms
Dublin 2, County Dublin, Ireland
Amit Jindal
Managing Director
Dublin 2, County Dublin, Ireland
Marc Rayala has 460K+ colleagues in total at Accenture. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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