Marco D Andrea

Warehouse and Parts manager, Sales Assistant presso GEAX SRL
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Email: ****
LinkedIn: Marco D'Andrea
Location: Ancona, Marches, Italy
Current employer: GEAX SRL
Current title:
Responsabile magazzino e ricambi
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:42 AM
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Marco D Andrea is from Ancona, Marches, Italy. Marco works in the following industries: "Machinery Manufacturing". Marco is currently Responsabile magazzino e ricambi at GEAX SRL, located in montefano. In Marco's previous role as a Operaio magazziniere at MCZ GROUP S.P.A., Marco worked in fontanafredda until Nov 2015. Prior to joining MCZ GROUP S.P.A., Marco was a Operaio magazziniere e ricambi at MAIT S.p.A. and held the position of Operaio magazziniere e ricambi at Osimo.

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Marco D Andrea's current jobs
Company: GEAX SRL
Title: Responsabile magazzino e ricambi
Period: Jul 2018 - Present (6 years, 5 months)
Location: montefano
Marco D Andrea's past jobs
Company: MCZ GROUP S.P.A.
Title: Operaio magazziniere
Period: May 2014 - Nov 2015 (1 year, 6 months)
Location: fontanafredda
Company: MAIT S.p.A.
Title: Operaio magazziniere e ricambi
Period: Feb 2007 - Nov 2013 (6 years, 9 months)
Location: Osimo
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