Margarita M

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Location: Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, United States
Current employer: Made in America Co.
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:28 AM
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Margarita M is from Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, United States. Margarita is currently CEO at Made in America Co., located in Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States. Margarita also works as CEO & Founder at The Made in America Movement, a job Margarita has held since Jan 2010.

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Margarita M's current jobs
Title: CEO
Period: Aug 2019 - Present (5 years, 5 months)
Location: Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States

Made in America Co.™ is the Premier Marketplace dedicated exclusively to Made in USA products! For sponsorship/advertising inquiries please send us an email:

Title: CEO & Founder
Period: Jan 2010 - Present (15 years)
Location: Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States

The Made in America Movement (MAM) is the largest national, non-partisan organization in the country whose mission is to educate consumers on the importance of buying American made products and supporting American manufacturing. MAM was invited by the President to participate in the "Made in America Roundtable Discussion" held in the East Room at The White House on July 19th, 2017. Margarita Mendoza was asked to participate as an adviser on the panel. MAM had the privilege of inviting eight (8) MAM Members & Associates to take part in this event.

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