Maria Akchurina

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Location: Moscow, Moscow, Russia
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:53 AM
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Maria Akchurina is from Moscow, Moscow, Russia. Maria is currently Founder at #akchurinadesign.

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Maria Akchurina's current jobs
Company: #akchurinadesign
Title: Founder
Period: Nov 2014 - Present (10 years, 2 months)

After 15 years interior design practice as hobby I decided to make it my own business. And at 2014 postgraduate International School of Design in Moscow, the course of interior design of private and public real estate. So, now i have my own studio and realised and on-going projects. And dreams come true! I use all my experience and management skills during our construction projects.

Other people named Maria Akchurina
Maria Akchurina
Head of Business Development
Campbell, California, United States
There are 1 other "Maria Akchurina". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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