Maria Grazia Persico

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Email: ****
Location: Milan, Lombardy, Italy
Current employer:
NSA unipersonale Srl - start up innovativa
Current title:
Founder and CEO
Last updated: 19/07/2023 13:16 PM
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Maria Grazia Persico is from Milan, Lombardy, Italy. Maria Grazia is currently Founder and CEO at NSA unipersonale Srl - start up innovativa , located in Milan, Lombardy, Italy. Maria Grazia also works as Founder and CEO at MGP & Partners - MGP cultura, immagine e comunicazione srl, a job Maria Grazia has held since Jan 2002.

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Maria Grazia Persico's current jobs
Company: NSA unipersonale Srl - start up innovativa
Title: Founder and CEO
Period: Jun 2018 - Present (6 years, 7 months)
Location: Milan, Lombardy, Italy
Title: Founder and CEO
Period: Jan 2002 - Present (23 years)
Location: Milan, Lombardy, Italy

The agency’s mission is to support companies, institutions and organizations to fulfil communication projects, counting on the long-standing experience in the communication field of its sole director and on the competencies of a young and dynamic team. Main activities: Communication, Events and Thematic Strategy Tools, CSR, Public Affairs, Media Relations, PR, Digital PR, Social Media Strategy

Maria Grazia Persico's Colleagues
Maria Jansiti
Sales account
San Martino in Rio, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Maria Grazia Persico has 1 colleagues in total at NSA unipersonale Srl - start up innovativa . You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Maria Grazia Persico
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Milan, Lombardy, Italy
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