Maria Nieves Pivaral

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala
Current employer: Thrive Business & Innovation
Current title:
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 19/07/2023 13:31 PM
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Maria Nieves Pivaral is from Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala. Maria Nieves is currently Founder & Chief Executive Officer at Thrive Business & Innovation, located in Río Dulce, Izabal, Guatemala.

Maria Nieves Pivaral's contact information is available for free on, a web-based professional networking database with more than 500 million business contacts and 200 million company profiles.

Maria Nieves Pivaral's current jobs
Title: Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Period: Feb 2017 - Present (7 years, 11 months)
Location: Río Dulce, Izabal, Guatemala

Promotes Conscious Capitalism, Shared Prosperity, Circular Economy and Conscious Production & Consumption by connecting companies with impact entrepreneurs that are solving Guatemala's biggest problems and support them creating a business strategy to integrate them into their value chain. Create sustainable and Circular Economy strategies for industries / companies based on Conscious Capitalism and tailored to their needs. Create strategies to transform traditional value chains into inclusive and impact value chains by including social & environmentally conscious providers as their suppliers of goods and services. (e.g. Integrate FSC certified packaging suppliers.) Develop measurement instruments for the evaluation of social, economic and environmental impact for companies or industries.

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María Nieves Pivaral
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