Marie Cel Chockil FBA Specialist

Amazon Account Manager- Let me help you with the daunting task of scouting, sourcing, and listing creation of your Amazon business.
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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Philippines
Current employer: Amazon
Current title:
Amazon Product Researcher | Product Sourcing
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:28 AM
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Marie Cel Chockil FBA Specialist is from Philippines. Marie Cel works in the following industries: "Internet", "Retail", and "Market Research". Marie Cel is currently Amazon Product Researcher | Product Sourcing at Amazon, located in Philippines. In Marie Cel's previous role as a Transcriber at Focus Forward, Marie Cel worked in until Mar 2021.

You can find Marie Cel Chockil FBA Specialist's email on FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Marie Cel Chockil FBA Specialist's current jobs
Company: Amazon
Title: Amazon Product Researcher | Product Sourcing
Period: Mar 2021 - Present (3 years, 10 months)
Location: Philippines

-Search for products that meet my client's criteria using my own strategy -Provide an excel/google sheet report for the found product - Find suppliers in Alibaba, Ali Express, or any manufacturing sites -Provide list of keywords for potential product

Marie Cel Chockil FBA Specialist's past jobs
Company: Focus Forward
Title: Transcriber
Period: Jan 2018 - Mar 2021 (3 years, 2 months)

-Type recordings and spoken contents into written transcripts. -Format document according to client’s specifications or company guidelines. -Produce written transcripts before the given turnaround time (TAT)

Marie Cel Chockil FBA Specialist's education
University of the Cordilleras
Bachelor's degree
1998 - 2002
Marie Cel Chockil FBA Specialist's top skills
Virtual Assistance Product Research Transcription Product Listing Amazon Business Helium 10 Pay Per Click (PPC)
Marie Cel Chockil FBA Specialist's Colleagues
Syed Irfan Ahmed
FBA Amazon Seller
Seattle, Washington, United States
Rene' Murata
Co-Author of International #1 Best Seller
Seattle, Washington, United States
Abhishek Bhalerao
Manager, Transportation Procurement & Strategy
Seattle, Washington, United States
Diego González
Chief Technology Officer, Book Depository an Amazon Company
Seattle, Washington, United States
Manuel Fischer
Director Amazon Operations IT EMEA
Seattle, Washington, United States
Marie Cel Chockil FBA Specialist has 980K+ colleagues in total at Amazon. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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