Marie Helene Tremblay

General Manager at Medicinal
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Location: 美国 Georgia 亚特兰大
Current employer: Medicinal
Current title:
General Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:13 AM
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Marie Helene Tremblay is from 美国 Georgia 亚特兰大. Marie-Helene works in the following industries: "出版", "高等教育", "学术研究", and "制药". Marie-Helene is currently General Manager at Medicinal. Marie-Helene also works as Community Board Member for Materials Horizons at Royal Society of Chemistry, a job Marie-Helene has held since Apr 2020. In Marie-Helene's previous role as a Chief Science Officer at Medicinal, Marie-Helene worked in Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines until Feb 2021. Prior to joining Medicinal, Marie-Helene was a Safety Manager at Georgia Institute of Technology and held the position of Safety Manager at Région de Atlanta, États-Unis. Prior to that, Marie-Helene was a PhD Candidate at Georgia Institute of Technology, based in United States from Aug 2016 to Aug 2020. Marie-Helene started working as Undergraduate Student Mentor at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Géorgie, États-Unis in Apr 2018. From Sep 2016 to Apr 2020, Marie-Helene was Teaching Assistant at Georgia Institute of Technology, based in Atlanta, Géorgie, États-Unis. Prior to that, Marie-Helene was a Graduate Research Intern - Prof. Henry Snaith's group at University of Oxford, based in Oxford, Royaume-Uni from Apr 2016 to Dec 2019. Marie-Helene started working as Graduate Research Intern - Dr Aditya Mohite's group at Los Alamos National Laboratory in Los Alamos, Nouveau-Mexique, États-Unis in Jan 2018.

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Marie Helene Tremblay's current jobs
Company: Medicinal
Title: General Manager
Period: Feb 2021 - Present (3 years, 11 months)
Company: Royal Society of Chemistry
Title: Community Board Member for Materials Horizons
Period: Apr 2020 - Present (4 years, 9 months)
Location: États-Unis
Marie Helene Tremblay's past jobs
Company: Medicinal
Title: Chief Science Officer
Period: Aug 2020 - Feb 2021 (6 months)
Location: Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines
Company: Georgia Institute of Technology
Title: Safety Manager
Period: Jan 2017 - Aug 2020 (3 years, 7 months)
Location: Région de Atlanta, États-Unis
Company: Georgia Institute of Technology
Title: PhD Candidate
Period: Aug 2016 - Aug 2020 (4 years)
Location: United States
Company: Georgia Institute of Technology
Title: Undergraduate Student Mentor
Period: Apr 2018 - May 2020 (2 years, 1 month)
Location: Atlanta, Géorgie, États-Unis
Company: Georgia Institute of Technology
Title: Teaching Assistant
Period: Sep 2016 - Apr 2020 (3 years, 7 months)
Location: Atlanta, Géorgie, États-Unis
Title: Graduate Research Intern - Prof. Henry Snaith's group
Period: Apr 2016 - Dec 2019 (3 years, 8 months)
Location: Oxford, Royaume-Uni
Title: Graduate Research Intern - Dr Aditya Mohite's group
Period: Jan 2018 - Mar 2018 (2 months)
Location: Los Alamos, Nouveau-Mexique, États-Unis
Title: Teaching assistant
Period: Sep 2014 - Dec 2015 (1 year, 3 months)
Location: Université de Montréal

Supervision of second year bachelor student (B. Sc. Chemistry).

Company: Universität zu Köln
Title: Graduate Research Intern - Pr. Klaus Meerholz's group
Period: Jan 2015 - Jan 2015
Location: Cologne, Germany

New Hole Transport Layers containing azomethine bonds for incorporation in Organic Light Emitting Diodes

Title: Research internship - IPCM (Pr. Louis Fensterbank - supervisor Dr. Etienne Derat)
Period: Mar 2014 - Jul 2014 (4 months)
Location: Paris

DFT study of a dihydrocobalt catalyst. Dihydridocobalt catalysts are known in the literature to generate dihydrogen by reductive elimination. Following the discovery of a complex of this type, by Louis Fensterbank’s group, that did not allow the production of hydrogen, an analysis of the catalytic cycle mechanism seemed necessary. Tetrakistrimethylphosphine cobalt catalyst was used to do the hydrosilylation reaction of an alkyne. My project consisted to model the catalytic cycle to determine why dihydrogen was not observed experime ntally.

Title: Research internship - Pr. Skene's group
Period: May 2013 - Dec 2013 (7 months)

Synthesis of di-block molecules presenting good opto-electronic properties for electrochromic devices. In order to address the stringent reaction conditions for preparing conventional conjugated materials constituted of vinyl groups (-CH=CH-), the Skene’s group is opting for easily prepared azomethines (-N=CH-). While they are synthetically easier to prepare than conventional materials, they have the added advantage of being air stable. The first two months of the internship was dedicated to synthesis of new di-block molecules and the development of efficient purification methods. All the di-blocks, consisting of complementary amine and aldehyde, were prepared as monomers that could self- condense. The effect of different electronic groups and aromatics on the optical, electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical properties was investigated. The capacity of these monomers to undergo self-polymerization directly on electrodes was also examined along with their use as electroactive layers capable of undergoing reversible color switching.

Title: Research internship - Pr. Iftimie's group
Period: May 2012 - Aug 2012 (3 months)
Location: University of Montreal

Computational study of moderately strong phenols’ dissociation in water to understand the mechanism of the reaction. Eigen introduced the mechanism of acid-base reaction (in aqueous solution) in his work 50 years ago. He mentioned that the proton transfer was executed in two steps. In the past years, many researchers studied again this mechanism by means of ultrafast time-resolved spectroscopy and some of the results were contradictory. We decided to study once more this mechanism from a theoretical point of view.

Marie Helene Tremblay's education
Collège de Maisonneuve
Diplome d'étude collégiale
2009 - 2011
Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)
Master's degree
2014 - 2014
Université de Montréal
Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.)
2011 - 2014
Université du Québec à Montréal
2014 - 2014
Université de Montréal
Master's degree
2014 - 2016
Georgia Institute of Technology
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
2016 - Present
Marie Helene Tremblay's top skills
Synthèse organique Electrochemistry Recherche Computational Chemistry Cyclic Voltammetry Présentations Organic Synthesis Leadership Chimie organique Compétences de supervision Spectroscopie Énergie solaire Chimie Hygiène, sécurité, environnement Organic Electronics Leadership d’équipe Résonance magnétique nucléaire
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