Marielle Van Gorp

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Location: Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
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Founder ImpactBuddy I Impact strategy, measurement & management for the Travel Industry
Last updated: 06/06/2023 15:33 PM
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Marielle Van Gorp is from Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands. Marielle is currently Founder ImpactBuddy I Impact strategy, measurement & management for the Travel Industry at ImpactBuddy, located in Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands.

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Marielle Van Gorp's current jobs
Company: ImpactBuddy
Title: Founder ImpactBuddy I Impact strategy, measurement & management for the Travel Industry
Period: Nov 2019 - Present (5 years, 2 months)
Location: Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

How to become sustainable through Impact strategy, measurement & management (IMM) ( We aim to contribute to a sustainable travel industry to ensure that current and future generations can continue to explore the world. We enable companies, startups, scale-ups, social enterprises and accommodations worldwide to accelerate their social, economic and environmental impact through Impact Measurement and Management (IMM). Our focus is on the Travel, Tourism & Hospitality industry and related businesses within the supply and value chain. We advise clients on how to measure, improve, report, communicate and embed sustainability into the overall business. We use effective IMM outcome-based frameworks & principles with metrics relevant to the industry. ImpactBuddy works closely with a global professional network of impact measurement and sustainability experts and software companies to best serve our clients' needs. At the end of our 100-day program, you will have an action plan ready to embed sustainability and impact into your business model, strategy, brand, product, culture, marketing, sales and operations. Start making an impact today and contact us at: or email for a free intake.

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