Marion B

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Email: ****n@starmars.technology
Location: New York, New York, United States
Current employer: Star Mars Tech
Current title:
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:32 AM
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Marion B is from New York, New York, United States. Marion is currently CEO at Star Mars Tech, located in San Francisco, California, United States.

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Marion B's current jobs
Company: Star Mars Tech
Title: CEO
Period: Apr 2013 - Present (11 years, 9 months)
Location: San Francisco, California, United States

Star Mars Tech is a leader in providing savvy and efficient technical solutions to businesses worldwide through the introduction of new technology, SaaS, Outsourcing, Automation, Startup Advisory, Technical Project Management and Business Development. A resident of the San Francisco Bay Area, Star Mars Tech is located in the epicenter of startups and Tech. As a Woman led corporation, we support diversity and women-led causes worldwide. Our Founder/CEO sits on the advisory board of numerous startups that support a cause. Responsibilities as Founder and CEO: • Providing IT Business solutions through analyzing market trends, developing client strategy while optimizing client relationships • Creating a unique talent pool of diverse and strong professionals in IT and Business • Updating our customers with the most innovative solutions that adapt to the fast-paced evolution of Technology worldwide • Advising Startups with Funding, Branding and Business Development • Establishing key Strategic Partnerships to provide value to our customers

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Paris, ÃŽle-de-France, France
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